I believe that a healthy outlook is based on having a good grasp of your ABC’s… Accept, Balance, Cope. Let me explain what I mean by that. I have noticed that people often say things like, “I need to let it go,” or “I want to move on,” or “I need to forgive ____,” or something similar. But I have also noticed that we rarely talk about what it means to let go or move on or forgive. I believe that all of those phrases mean accepting that life is what it is–a balance of both good and bad–and making a conscious choice to stop dwelling on things that cannot be changed. If we can figure out how and why we learned to cling so tightly to whatever we are holding onto, then we can learn to change the way we think about it. And then “it” can stop directing our lives–we cope. Of course, this sounds much simpler than it actually is, but it can be done. Whether you need to let go of anger, control, fear, the past, or sadness, I can help!