I am a marriage, family, and individual counselor with over 21 years of experience. I have helped hundreds renew the vitality in their relationships, confront trauma-damaging experiences, and work through issues of trust, confidence, empowerment, life goals and much more. I offer supportive and effective therapy techniques at every stage of relationship, from premarital and marital counseling to family counseling, and individual therapy for depression, anxiety and trauma or abuse. By confronting and working through these issues with the guidance of a professional, you and your family will discover new strengths, enrichment and rediscover long-lasting love connections.
I provide EMDR, FLASH Technique, Lifespan Integration, prepare/enrich tools and other methods. I also provide faith-based counseling. I am also fluent in the Mien language and would be happy to provide conseling in that language as well. For more information or to make an appointment, call or email today.