Michelle is the clinical lead of Feel Well Therapy a Psychological Therapy service based near to Norwich in England. She is a trained Occupational Therapist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and EMDR Therapist . She worked for 20 years in the National Health Service, treating clients with a range of mental health conditions and complexities. She has worked in private practice in the last 8 years and now works with a small group of affiliate therapists. On an average week she works with clients presenting with a range of anxiety disorders, including OCD, Phobias, Health Anxiety, Social Phobia, GAD, Panic Disorder, work related stress and Depression. She routinely sees clients with complex trauma presentations and has completed the Parnell training on Attached Focused EMDR. The flash technique is a welcome addition to the therapy rucksack, as a useful tool to help clinicians treat clients individual needs.