dott. Pietro Marchese dott. Pietro Marchese Previous Next Place Category: Therapist ProfileReviewsPsicologo, Psicoterapeuta cognitivo comportamentale dell’adulto e dell’età evolutiva, Ordine Psicologi Lazio n.17385 – EMDR 1° e 2° Livello / CFT 1° e 2° Livello / Flash Technique 1° Livello. Name: dott. Pietro Marchese dott. Pietro Marchese Phone: +393332732725 Website Address: Piazza Roma, 16 Catania Sicily 95125 Italy Loading... No Records Found Sorry, no records were found. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. Maps failed to load Sorry, unable to load the Maps API. Enter your locationGet Directions Travel modeDrivingWalkingBicyclingPublic Transport Distance unitsMilesKilometers Previous Next If you're the therapist and you'd like to edit this post, but you don't see options to edit your listing, please click here to log in.